Shadowrun 1.1.0

Verfasser: taranion | Datum: 04.03.2020 | Kategorie(n): Minor release, Shadowrun

This time an URGENT bugfix made an early release of a new plugin necessary. With Genesis 6.1, a serious bug was introduced, which caused characters to “forget” or delete all accessories for your gear – no matter if they were created or existing characters were opened. I’m sorry if this effectivly destroyed your existing characters.

Many of you reported this error yesterday and today and I was able to find and fix it today. Originally, plugin 1.1.0 was not supposed to be released until I had a new feature ready, but I decided to release it half-finished now.

I am talking of the option to configure the behavior when creating adepts (mystical or physical). Currently the second printing of the Catalyst CRB and the german CRB from Pegasus have different rules, although the revised german rules also came from Catalyst. To solve this mess, I am including rule switches in the application.

Customize the creation rules

Since I needed to hurry to fix the major bug with accessories, I did not manage to complete this feature. For now, the rule customization only affects character generation, not advancement. This will hopefully change soon.

The full release notes:

  • [SR6-116] – Feature: Make generation rules customizable
  • [SR6-110] – Weapon – Ruger 101 – cost is wrong
  • [SR6-113] – Exception in getSpecializationForVehicle when creating the Rigger PDF
  • [SR6-117] – Invalid data for Colt Cobra TZ 100/110 renders characters unloadable
  • [SR6-119] – Problems with vehicle Mercedes Multimog-K4 “Greif”
  • [SR6-120] – Adding accessories to equipment not possible, since changes are not saved
  • [SR6-121] – Freshly created SR6 character does not show up in character overview – until restarting the application