Genesis 4.0.0 released
Verfasser: taranion | Datum: 22.12.2018 | Kategorie(n): Genesis
After approx. one year of development (next to working on the version 3.x of the application) and some pre-releases within the last months, it is time to release Genesis 4. With Coriolis – The Third Horizon our character editor supports its fourth RPG next to Splittermond, Shadowrun 5 and Space 1889.
The real time sink in Genesis 4 was the complete overhaul of the graphics user interface.

A survey for our supporters at Patreon resulted in the conclusion, that while the old Windows 8 like tiles were preferred for navigation, a large amount of users preferred the still usuable character document view.
So I dropped the tiles in favor of a scrollable sheet with navigation at the side and oriented myself on the recent Windows 10 Fluent design. In addition to that, I made efforts to have a more adaptive screen layout to support different screen sizes. This is still work in progress, but the foundation is ready for it.
Genesis 4 is our first version that can be used multilingual. Currently next to the original German only English is supported. If you use the application in english, you currently can use Coriolis and Space 1889. The english version of Shadowrun 5 did not make it in time.
For now most of our users still are native german speakers. Let us see, if this will change in the future.
With so much new stuff, especially in the foundations, I expect there to be new errors. We had 6 pre-releases and fixed almost all reported errors. It doesn’t seem helpful to delay the release any longer, since we will never have a version that is completely bug-free.
So, have fun with Genesis 4 and if you like us, consider supporting us on Patreon. Have a nice christmas season and a happy new year 2019.